Simmons Enterprise

Simmons Enterprise
Simmons Enterprise LLC is a conglomerate that consists of Simmons Enterprise, Popeye barbecue sauce, Simmons Electric, and CHARLYCEmusic. Simmons Enterprise is owned and operated by Alonzo and Charlyce Simmons.
This power couple has been serving the Central Florida community for over 18 years. Simmons Enterprise was Launched in 2004 but officially became Simmons Enterprise LLC, in 2014.
Alonzo Simmons. has been an electrician for over 25 years and is the lead electrician for Simmons Electric. His creativity and expertise are a great asset to the company. He prides himself on great work done right. Charlyce Simmons is the head of the HR Department and runs the offices of Simmons Enterprise.
Contact Us
Tel: 407-491-0061